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NBB Nordic Blues Bear – Renovation Tango (2022) Hi-Res

NBB Nordic Blues Bear – Renovation Tango (2022) Hi-Res

专辑:NBB Nordic Blues Bear – Renovation Tango (2022) Hi-Res
艺术家:NBB Nordic Blues Bear
格式:24 Bit (44,1 KHz / tracks)

as US always likes to call me as mutilated as I am by intent by such US Swiss best Harvard and Yale ransom takers as for illegal test series as for then only more humilations and so meant as permission to live on I enerve once more again.
As UN work reference of mine hasn’t been worth as for such harvard best scolar elites medical test series and WHO always suited to it as never respecting my EU Basic rights and won’t ever do I have something to say.
but no one likes to llisten. Thank You Bruce S and RATM all of them.

jaja Obama the greatest leftits ever and not a single one from Africa. Ok Mandela a bit but also called by GW bush and rest a jerk. Madiba is only a .. .
Ah Clintons and rest of Madoff Epstein manners and US purest racists all of them already mentiond, what has in Tom M case always been mentioned by all European media. He is an US Suprematist and never one of us more worth than shit on the street.
Them are all like Wall Street Pornogate gang bang ratingh agencies more of such all and never for EU as the last election campaigns and US convention by US democrats and US republicans and all shows have prooven.

So I will have never to enter US and them will seek me here as for more of such illegal suprematists funs mutilations at hospital as I shouldn’t rise the rightr arm while Tom M Boy sleeps with Axis of some kind.. .

So they never have any kind of problems as getting love and I didn’t ever do that much. So why should I care?
I even expect more stress from USA.
US citizens only are by US Means permitted to critize the USA.
No one of EU or EEA or Schengen has ever any kind of permission to do so. outermost with such Epstein Elites full at Wall UN Street and so forth. That is all so clear.

Hope some dig this tough. Can’t be more dangerous for US citizens in politics to do so. Besides man hunt and more of the Stream o’ Bomas.

1. Epstein USA Manner to Enslave All
2. Pain by Negligance
3. Pour the Poor
4. Hope ain’t it all to Act against Oddities
5. Cry for Freedom
6. UN is like KKK
7. UN Work Reference Career Killer
8. UN Work Reference for Unpaid Work to be the Jerk
9. Some Blues Jazz Bass with Daig not in Kukkakaali k?ryl?
10. Love Feels still Good

专辑:NBB Nordic Blues Bear – Renovation Tango (2022) Hi-Res
艺术家:NBB Nordic Blues Bear
格式:24 Bit (44,1 KHz / tracks)
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