小林 研一郎 (Ken’ichiro Kobayashi)出生于1940年4月9日,毕业于东京艺术大学,是日本著名的指挥家和作曲家。1974年,他在匈牙利电视台国际指挥家比赛中获得一等奖和特别奖,1987年到1997年,他匈牙利国家交响乐团(现匈牙利国家爱乐乐团)担任首席指挥,现在是该乐团的指挥桂冠。2000年,他被布拉格国际合作协会授予汉诺·R·艾伦博根公民奖。小林 研一郎是2002年在布拉格春季国际音乐节上指挥捷克爱乐乐团的第一位亚洲指挥家。
- 01.The Rite of Spring, Part 1: Adoration of the earth Introduction (1947 Version)
- 02.The Rite of Spring, Part 1: Adoration of the earth The augurs of spring – Dances of the young girls (1947 Version)
- 03.The Rite of Spring, Part 1: Adoration of the earth Ritual of abduction (1947 Version)
- 04.The Rite of Spring, Part 1: Adoration of the earth Spring round dances (1947 Version)
- 05.The Rite of Spring, Part 1: Adoration of the earth Ritual of the rival tribes (1947 Version)
- 06.The Rite of Spring, Part 1: Adoration of the earth Procession of the sage (1947 Version)
- 07.The Rite of Spring, Part 1: Adoration of the earth Adoration of the earth (1947 Version)
- 08.The Rite of Spring, Part 1: Adoration of the earth Dance of the earth (1947 Version)
- 09.The Rite of Spring, Part 2 The Sacrifice: Introduction (1947 Version)
- 10.The Rite of Spring, Part 2 The Sacrifice: Mystic circles of the young girls (1947 Version)
- 11.The Rite of Spring, Part 2 The Sacrifice: Glorification of the chosen one (1947 Version)
- 12.The Rite of Spring, Part 2 The Sacrifice: Evocation of the Ancestors (1947 Version)
- 13.The Rite of Spring, Part 2 The Sacrifice: Ritual action of the Ancestors (1947 Version)
- 14.The Rite of Spring, Part 2 The Sacrifice: Sacrificial Dance (The chosen one) (1947 Version)
- 15.The Firebird Suite, Introduction (1919 Version)
- 16.The Firebird Suite, The Firebird and its dance (1919 Version)
- 17.The Firebird Suite, Variation of the Firebird (1919 Version)
- 18.The Firebird Suite, Round dance of the princesses (Khorovode) (1919 Version)
- 19.The Firebird Suite, Infernal dance of King Kashchei (1919 Version)
- 20.The Firebird Suite, Lullaby (1919 Version)
- 21.The Firebird Suite, Finale (1919 Version)
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